Thursday, April 13, 2006

13th April - Day 2

Absolutely shattered…!
Get to office at 08:30, planned 08:00. Meet Mark and he takes me for coffee, everybody very friendly and helpful.
Peter Sidhom, (worked with last August comes in to see me, working for 5D now and both he and his company, (competitor) doing very well. Have a quick chat, he phones his sister Steff, (my bridge climb partner last August), she is happy that I am back – she’s great fun, and plan a meet soon.
It rains but is real hot, (32 degree’s), walk up Pitt Street to collect hire car – its Big, Blue, 4ltr V6, Sat Naved up and very big!!! Who needs 4ltrs? Make, God knows.
Anyway back to flat in park in Basement -4, go knows how big the hole was that they dug to build this thing. Walk back to the Pitt Street Office, 10 minutes from flat.
Leave office at 4ish – shattered and hit flat, to tired to shop so live of remains of the welcome pack – sad eh.
Move furniture around again – happier now – and go to bed at 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, and sleep at 5 again. Wake up at 6, 7, 8 then 10 (Bank Holiday…yippee).