Saturday, June 10, 2006

10th June – Day 60 – Saturday

We get up and have some breakfast before Dave and I head off to the Post Office to pick up some wine that Dave had ordered from the Tinternet.
Then its back to their house before we head to my unit in CBD so that we can hit the shops. Sarah hits the sales – shoes and cloths, Dave and I buy sporting items, Dave a wicked Retro 1974 Australia Soccer shirt and me a Wallaby shirt for tomorrow’s demolition of England.
We meet back at the Edinburgh Castle for a drink and then head back to Neutral Bay to set up the house for the Evenings World Cup extravaganza. The projector is set up, food prepared, drink cooled and the seating arranged for a predicted 15 fans turning up to the Neutral Bay Stadium.
I take the opertunity to pop over to see Gareth and Donna’s as I haven’t seen them for ages. It also gives S&D some chill time, as I stay there so much recently I feel like a lodger. Both Gareth and Donna are in which is dead lucky, and they are well - the boys, (Saxon and Dillon) are also in and are playing, (surrogate Dad moment – love it). I have a couple of coffee’s and a good chat with G&D – they are remodelling their house at the moment and it is looking good. Gareth’s soon off to work so I stay and chat to Donna before I head back to S&D’s.
I arrive and before every thing starts I phone home and have a good long chat with Lewis which is great-he is sounding so grown up.
The fans turn up, (Matt & Gin, Richard & Sarah and their friend's Jo & Joe, Emma & Ben, Emily from work, and an Irish friend of Dave and Sarah’s), we sell programmes, beer and food and settle down for the entertainment.
England win, not very convincingly, Sweden scrape a draw against Tobago and the Argentineans scrape a win against the Ivory Coast – everyone starts leaving from about 1:30 then its bed for me at 4:30am.