Wednesday, April 19, 2006

19th April - Day 8

Didn’t sleep, bored, bored, bored of this Jet Lag. Eyes ache, feel as if they are full of grit and as for the bags, well let’s just say that you could get a family of fives weekly shopping in them…!
Walk to work, well squint to work and spend time with the team. Hear that Marks new baby has been born by C- Cut, so it’s ‘just out the wrapper’ as the Aussies say. Sarah B takes me to the Art House for a good chat and some wonderful food. Sarah gives me the low down on 457 visa living, tax advantages, Medicare card, shopping, banking, living and most importantly surviving. Most importantly she tells me about a phone card that allows you to call home for 4cents a minute, about 1.5pence – love her.
Next it’s off to Pymble, in my tank, where I wander from meeting to meeting in a total daze. I reorganise my office – needs some ‘Baconising’ such as pictures and the like, must sort – I am happier with my surroundings and my view of more escaped parrots and the like. I get given a loan laptop which is crap and goes straight into my bottom drawer, wouldn’t fit in the bin…!
Drive back to the flat and go to the shops to buy eye drops – sort of help. Watch rubbish on the tele, think about my wee family and can’t wait for my phone card details to arrive.
Sleep at 11, 12, 1, 2, 3 etc etc etc sleep at 5am woken at 6.30am with a bloody wrong number – bastards.