Sunday, July 09, 2006

3rd July – 9th July – Day 83 to 89

Another crazy busy week which has seen me spend two days in Brisbane, four in Sydney CBD (2 weekdays & 2 weekend days) and one in Pymble. Yes it has been tough – but hey that’s paradise for you, no pain no gain…!

The company takeover is still the focus of absolutely everything, although this week is not Strategy Document requirements but Presentations to the new owners.

Although I have been incredibly busy I have still managed to continue with my other responsibility over here, the sampling of as many different brands of beer as possible – still don’t like the Coopers fermented in the bottle stuff, I can just about handle the Green Label now, but the Red label is very dangerous and quite foul actually – why do people want to drink brew that has a layer of scummy sediment floating around in it, I don’t know…..

Additionally, outside of my drinking duty’s, I have been putting the finishing touches to the Biffa Family Oz Tour itinerary which is looking quite good if I say so myself. They are in for five weeks of fun and adventure which they should really enjoy.

Five weeks of chaos and then they will be gone for another sixteen weeks – doesn’t seem quite fair really.

Anyway I went to see a band on Saturday night which featured one of my work mates pals - that were quite a laugh and are called the Hell City Glamour's – a very interesting night and another good excuse to drink a few tinnies and all.

Spent Sunday at my old friends Peter Sidhom’s who I haven’t seen for weeks as I have been stuck inside my lap-top. I love Pete Sunday’s; always good fun with good company and high entertainment value. His Mum is also the best cook in Australia which means that I always leave totally fulfilled food wise.

Anyway yours truly is spending next week all over Australia beginning with three days in Adelaide, the most backward, slow down, coffee shops close at 16:30, where is everybody place in the world – cant believe its part of the same country that features city’s like Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne…….oh yes and the other backward, slow down, coffee shops close at 16:30, where is everybody place in the world – Canberra.

Update and pics next week folks, toodle pip!