Wednesday, February 21, 2007

19th February – 25th February – Days 316 to 322

Ok, so two new Blog updates in a week, I’m getting back into the swing of things now!

A reasonably busy week of work and play, Fran had her Birthday – Ross his first Basketball match, Lewis his first Debating competition and me….I worked and played hard.

Additionally Ross registered for a Rugby Club where he is to be coached by an ex Wallaby which will be good to watch, (I am sure that he will accept a few St Ives RFC coaching tips and additionally I think that the whole coaching capacity at St Ives should be flown out to help him along…!).

We had one impromptu party at the new house, enjoyed Laing O’Rourke’s inaugural Ball – a wonderful affair at Luna Park, under the Bridge, which was perfect in every way, acrobats, entertainers, good food and most importantly free drinks all night.

Dave and Sarah looked after the boys, (and lent us their house in Neutral Bay), spoiling them with Ice Skating, Pizza, Car magazines, (for Lewis), and breakfast at Curly’s. They also spent the majority of Sunday at the beach before heading back to the city for a very long rest…..very much needed as Lewis and Ross got Sarah & Dave up at 7am as they were ready for the beach – Dave was later heard to mutter that he didn’t believe that 7am on a Sunday morning existed.

We also shopped this week; we bought art, beds, BBQ and garden furniture. In fact we spent so much the banks fraud police phoned us to ask if we were still in position of our card even though everything is so cheap out here.

So there you go, another week in paradise where the only problem we have at the moment is getting used to the Tree Frogs who make a very bizarre noise at night time. Luckly we have managed to master feeding Rainbow Parakeets on the balcony, chasing the family lizard out the garage and watching the Possums in the garden.

Take care you all and a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MUM!