The Gertys, (Alice and Chris with Mum Donna) - very good friends of Lewis and Ross who moved over to Oz with thier Mum some years ago and now live in Newcastle. Fran and the boys had a wonderful few days with them while I was grafting at work.
The boys enjoying their Christmas treat from Dave and Sarah on a Harbour Jet Boat. Poor Dave is the one at the back looking scared, with Ross on his left and Lewis three to his right. Additionaly the only ones without 'macs' on - Dave refused on the basis of style - Lewis and Ross followed suit and they got soaked.
This is for the Girls, Surf Rescue boat - couldn't get a word out of Fran for a while, and we just managed to stop her from throwing herself of the Opera House steps into the water!
Fran being interviewed by American Express - we, (Richard, Dave and I), stood behind the camera with our Visa Cards doing very poor Mr Been
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