Monday, March 12, 2007

26th February – 11th March – Days 322 to 336

Here goes…..right so I have slipped up on the updating front somewhat after such a promising re-launch, so I will start with a activity summary and then follow up with lots of pictures which should help satisfy the majority….not too sure about the rest!

I will start with the low lights, thus ensuring that I finish on a high!

· My birthday came and went and left me just a shade more distinguished, i.e. Grey.
· That’s it…….


· I got lots of brilliant presents - thanks
· Our possessions arrived, very little breakage
· The family are enjoying all things Australian
· The sun shone
· The beach was mostly shark and jelly fish free
· The Possums don’t run over our roof as much these days and the tree frog that croaked all night outside our bedroom has moved!