Tuesday, April 25, 2006

25th April - Day 14 Anzac Day

Up at 9am and go out to watch the Anzac Day Parade in George Street, (Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels well cool). Then I watch some more of the Parade on TV which is good as the history of the day is explained. Then I swim and Gym before meeting Sarah and Dave, Helen and Richard, Matt and Gennie for a dinner at Pier 21 in Darling Bay. Have a wicked afternoon before we head to The Rocks for a giggle and to watch some gambling which is only legal on Anzac Day. The gambling is called “Two Up” and involves two coins, Old Pennies, being tossed from a purpose made short, flat piece of wood. The punters gamble on either both coins being either Heads – Tap their head, or Tails – Tap their bums. One of each means nothing and the coins are re-tossed. Some boys were gambling $200 a time, I tried $10, twice, and lost both times…luck of the Scots…!
Everyone comes back to my wee flat, as the restaurants are all full, where we eat pizza, listen to tunes and chat about everything. Dave and Sarah are last to leave at about 2:30am and I tidy and hit the pillow at about 3.