Thursday, April 27, 2006

27th April - Day 16

Up early at 6am and get to Pymble at 07.30. Frank arrives at 8 and we leave at 8:30 after he has eaten breakfast. We hit the road like the Blues Brothers; you know half a packet of cigs, a coffee each and 3 hours of dusty roads ahead.
Dead interesting trip, see first kangaroo, it’s huge – but dead at the side of the road – subject of an RTA. Also pass all the Vin Yards that have been built directly from Fran and my dedicated consumption over the years – good old Jacobs Creek etc.
Hit the coal mines, site & workshop services – the industrial side of Richards MAS responsibilities. Everybody very nice – responsibilities and capabilities are very evident as is the potential for growth, after a H&S speech that includes avoiding Brown Snakes – very deadly and Red Back Spiders, just as nasty as the Brown Snakes…! I have lunch with Frank and then it’s of to Redispan – our Conveyor Housing Company, again a wonderful capability and product.
Get back to Pymble at 6pm and leave at 7:30 after a chat with Richard. I hit the shops, then Gym, watch the Footie Show and then the pillow. Woken by call from Mum and Dad who tell me about Uncle John’s Death – Devastated, its so unfair, such a wonderful family.