Sunday, July 23, 2006

17th July – 23rd July – Day 97 to 103

Hellish week, Tender-Tender-Tender and early morning finishes, (1am), on Monday and Tuesday. Tender went in Wednesday lunchtime and soon after we left the office for another late night, not in the office but in the Art House, (office local) – we all got a wee bit soggy, but we deserved the break after such an intense couple of weeks!

Thursday saw me, still soggy, working with one of our clients, within their new Sydney Head Quarters – the largest sole occupancy building in Sydney and one of the most modern that I have ever been in – the interior fit out company must have had the largest recreational drug and fittings/fixtures budget known to man – and I mean that positively. Very brave and functional interior – quite a wonderful environment to work in – yes I enjoyed the day…! At the end of the day I had a couple of drinks with Cameron and Peter before heading back to the unit to catch up on my sleep from the previous week.

Friday was all about Laing O’Rourke and Strategy. We had a meeting at the new owners offices in North Sydney, (which were very flush), before heading back to the city for a Strategy Review and update meeting.

Finally extracted myself from the office at 18:00 and met up with some colleagues for ….yes….a drink….and a complete wind-down after such a busy week. The evening’s topic was interesting facts – some of which were interesting and others down right debatable..!

Judge for yourself:

In the 1400's a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence "the rule of thumb".

Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden", and thus the word GOLF entered the English language.

Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.

Men can read smaller print than women can; but women can hear better.

Coca-Cola was originally green.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

Scotland will win the next Rugby World Cup in France

There were loads more but I cant remember them, or they are unprintable, anyway how many of you are now trying to lick your elbow’s….?

My weekend was organised around planning for the family’s visit next week which I really cant wait for. I hid all the alcohol, what I couldn’t hide I sold – and put lots of Green and Red things in the salad drawer – it now resembles the big one that I left behind at home, full of healthy items of nourishment and goodness.

Saturday night was spent with the Sidhom’s celebrating, with 21 others, Gaby’s birthday, (Pete’s Sisters Hubby). We ate Cambodian which was yum and drank a fair bit as well all for the grand sum of $33, about 13 quid – so cheep and so wrong, we are being ripped of in the UK. The night was great fun and ended at about 2am when my taxi brought me back from Gaby and Vivian’s house where we all went after the restaurant. Pete and Phil went out clubbing – I went to bed, age thing I think!

On Sunday, in-between cleaning and the like Sarah & Dave and Richard & Helen picked me up and we went to Matt & Gins for a very relaxing afternoon of fine food, company and wine. It was nice to stop, relax and chill – lovely afternoon and the last for a while with Richard as he broke his wrist playing Footie that evening – its in plaster at the moment and will be pinned next weekend.

The family will be here next Thursday and I really can’t wait. Ross will have his 10th birthday out here and I have planned a good day for his big – double numbers day.

If anyone wants to send him a birthday card to my Sydney address please do so – that would mean a lot to the wee man.